Abortion in family planning, 75, 172, 177

Abortion in Philippines, 230

Abortion in Myanmar ‘illegal’,

Abortion, conflation with contraception, 608

Abortion ‘causes glaciers to melt’, 736

Abortion, ‘hardly any women regret’, 702

Abortion: ‘Want to lower the abortion rate?’ 1016

Abortion opponents ‘not just abortion they’re trying to bring down’, 743

Abortion opponents’ self contradiction, 608

Abortion opponents should support birth control, 745

Abortion prevented by contraception, 320, 772, 794, 802. See also ‘Contraception reduces abortion’

Abortion, reduction of numbers, 802

Abortions, unsafe methods, 803, 854

Abortions, Rwanda, 965

Abortions, statistics, 803, 872

Abstinence only, failure of, 255

A Call to Arms, 988

Adolescent birth rates 147

Adolescent pregnancy, 531

Adolescent numbers, 506

Adoption: an earth friendly alternative (QEW) 1091

Afghanistan, 274, projection, 775

Africa, 76,243, 267, 272, 367, 459, 507, 556, 560, 582, 662, 672, 720, 721, 724, 747, 758, 814, 851, 905, 920, 928, 940, 967

Africa, Dar es Salaam workshop, 926

Africa, conference to improve, 758

Africa population to quadruple, 458, 688, 851

Africa, political leaders recognise need, 903, (or not!) 928

Africa, public opinion, 828

Africa, statistics, 929 et seq

Africa unemployment, 907, 930

Africa ‘must aim for population stabilization’, 905

Africa, statistics, 825

African opinions, 828

African projections ‘preposterous’, 517

African population to increase by 3 billion by 2100, 851

African Institute for Development Policy, 268

Africa, UNICEF report: Population could hit 4 bn by 2100, 662

Africa, youth, 688

Ageing, effects on population, 918

‘A Green Future’, P.M’s response, 1011

AIDS, 203

‘All live in Texas’, 364, 584

America’s religious wars, 171

Annual increments, 604

Anthropocene, 444, 677, 1108, misrepresentation of, 677

Aquifers, stress on, 386, 682

Arable land, area, 168

Area Meeting minute, recognition of concern, 709


Asia, projected populations, 1116

Assumption of ‘drift’ to 2.05 unsubstantiated, 182

Assumption people need development to reduce population, 114

Attenborough, 431, 432, 1106

Australian Anglicans, 23, 53

Australian population figures, 63

Australian growth overwhelming infrastructure, 791

Baby’s Carbon Footprint (US), 136

Baby emissions fuel global warming, 974

Bangladesh, 422, 797, 823

Bangladesh, ‘experiments’, 319, 797, 864

Bangladesh, approach by Sahel countries, 840

Bangladesh, women at centre of development, 841

Ban-Ki Moon, 2012 message on contraception, 524

Barriers to contraception, 128, 400, 522, 926

BBC, ‘Global Hunger’, 106

Beddington, John, 220

‘Best birth control is for men’, 246

Benefits of family planning, 565, 598, 599, 926

Benefits of family planning, speed of achieving, 598

Benefits from Japan’s aging population, (Fred Pearce), 516

Big families wanted by the poor, 13

Big family in Uganda,831

Billion, aid in visualising, 394

Birth control by app., ‘under the radar’ in USA, 857

Biodiversity loss, 425, 557, 722

Birminghams, 10 more wanted by 2033, 296

Birth control solution, 171

Birth rate decline slower than expected, 725

‘Birth dearth’, 82, 473

Blue Ventures; family planning and conservation in Madagascar, 236, 889

BMJ, 13

Boko Haram, 892

Bolivia, 932

Bongaarts, John, 318

Borlaug, 13, 112, 132, 133, 134, 168

Borlaug, quote from acceptance speech, 112

Borlaug, World Food Prize disservice to, 589

Bradshaw and Brook, study, 2014, and discussion, 591-604

Brazil rates plummet, 223

Breaching environmental boundaries, (UN), 909

Brexit, attitude to migrants, 849

Bristol University, 954

Brown. Lester, 471

Buerk, Michael, 324

Burden of proof, 313

Burkina Faso, 181, 503, 561, 564, 821

Bush policy and EU response, 30, 77, 100, 589

Cafaro, Dr., book “Climate Ethics and Pop. Policy”, abstract, 233

Cairo, failure of, 169

Call to Arms, 988

‘Can people live in fire?’ 876

Campaigning, 984

Canada, 409

Canterbury Commitment, 1053

Capacity of earth, 87, 585

Capacity of UK, 607

Carrying capacity, 394, 918, 950

Carrying capacity, Sundarbans (Bangladesh), 624

Carbon added by each child, 505

Carbon emissions, effect of FP on, 767

Carbon offsetting (Padley), 111

Carbon emissions driven by EU population, 533

Cassandra, 160

Catholics, 3, 36, 45, 49, 74, 77, 118, 120, 207, 218, 222, 245, 262, 286, 371, 464, 628, 800

Catholic poll, 572

Catholic Commission on Birth Control, 1966, 222, 379, 510

Catholics supporting birth control in health care plans, 207, 572

Catholics in Ireland and elsewhere, reject doctrine, 256, 277, 303

Catholics in Phillipines, 407, 408

Catholic nuns in US, 262

Catholic response to family planning, PNG, 1005

Chamie, Joseph, 905

Child, carbon cost of, 730, 995, 998

Child marriage, 327 et seq, 747, 748, 750, 848, 867, 1063, 1065, 1086

Child motherhood, mothers under 14, 531, 768, under 18, 867

Children: not having children is ‘selfish’, 1111

China, a different view, 1095

China set for historic demographic turn. Date: 2022, 1002

China, non-necessity of one-child family policy, 416

China, effect of relaxing policy, 761

Churches and faiths, 23, 45, 49, 53, 66, 279

City every 5 days, 265

Cities threatened by sea level, 996

Civilisation, collapse of, 149, 151, 423

Cizic, R., evangelical leader pro family planning, 405

Clean water linked to rising birth rates, Bristol University, 959

Climate change, 5, 8, 13, 18, 24, 44, 88, 151, 152, 183, 426, 444, 464, 471, 490, 505, 567, 570, 579, 639, 766, 767, 768, 843, 875, 985

Climate change: conflict in Nigeria, 1060

Climate change, link to human population, 622, 626, 639, 745, 843, 893, 998

Climate change: does it make it immoral to have kids? 995

Climate change and fish stocks, 779

Climate change activists, 176, 243, 566

Climate change discussions, increased influence of population, 745

Climate change, FP to reduce emissions, 805

Climate change, international community falling short, 835

‘Climate crisis is a reproductive crisis’, 879

Climate action compared with population action, 566

Climate wars are already here, 610

Cohen, Joel, misrepresents population issue, 781

Coercion, 13, 204, 258, 417

Collapse of civilization, 423

Commodity prices, 148

Committee for Sustainable World Population, 475

Complications in childbirth, 750

Conflict, 9, 11, 77, 79, 167, 168, 766, 1060

Conflict over water, 1007

Confused Statistician (Rosling), 1120

Consumption, 949, 976

Consumption v. Population, 59, 208, 265, 591, 626, 641, 806, 976, 1009

Consumption by each child, 136, 445

Consumption ‘not sustinable’, 909

Consumption, humanity, 136

Consequences of failure to reduce fertility, 727

Continuous growth, 139, 140

Contraception, effect of availability of, 446

Contraception, conflation with abortion, 608

Contraception for men, 390

Contraception, economics, 392

Contraception, ratio of users v. non-users, 418

Contraception, number of pregnancies saved, 172

Contraception, reducing abortion, 320, 794, 802 See also ‘Abortion reduced by contraception’

Contraception, reasons for not using, 291, 614

Contraception, reasons for using, 521, 832

Contraception, why are women not using? 994

Contraception research, 275, 277, 489

Contraception, single use injectable, 559

Contraception, availability of, 252, 328, 389, 732,737

Contraception, removal of barriers to, 128, 389

Contraception, growth in use stalling, 248

Contraception, underuse, statistics, 614

Contraception, variety of methods, 732, 733

Contraceptive economics, methods and nature compared, 392

Control, ‘when you mention population, people think of control. But that’s the opposite…’ 891

Cost of family planning for world, 9.4 billion dollars, 767

Cost, family planning as an investment, 119, 121, 268, 278

Cost compared with other means of climate change reduction, 152

Cost effectiveness, 203

Cost of world action, 917

Countries with successful policies, 14, 79, 124, 128, 598, 641, 1017, 1024

Countries below replacement rate, 762, 914

Countries more successful than China, 598, 641

Countries identifying population growth as a factor, 48

Countries which will be most hit by food price rises, 840

Countries expressing concern, 18, 48, 79, 641

Countries not showing marked advances, 751

Course of action, 918

Crime rate related to number of young, 88

‘Crimes against Future Generations’, Raine Eisler, 327 et seq

Criminalising contraception, 219

‘Crowded World’, QEW, adoption, 1093

Dancer, Benjamin, 938

Dangerous abortion, 177

Dangerous place to give birth, 738

Deforestation, 886

Degradation of land, 816

Demand for family planning, 152

Demand side factors, 832

Demographic bonus or dividend, 199, 321, 416

Demographic transition debunked, 399, 416

Demographic trap, 199

Demographic vulnerability, 764

Deniers must be rebutted, 324

Denial, 590, 788

Denialist article in Nature, 781

Depopulation dividend, 947, 1116

Depro-Povera, 559, 564

Depro-Provera, (4 times a year, can be hidden), 275

‘Desperate for contraception’, (PNG), 1003

Developing world v. developed world, 271

Developing to developed transition, use of FP, 416

DfID, 640

Diminishing returns (low hanging fruit first), 151

Disavowal of population, 1045

Distortion of science, 781

Disease, 7

Difficulty to discuss, see also Evasion, 47, 79

Dollar a day, 170

Dominanceof humans, 949

Dorling, ‘Population 10 billion’, and Emmott ‘10 Billion’, review, 479

Dot video, 757

Dowling, Bill, letter on consumption v population, 641, effect of policies, and projections to get pop to 2.5 bn., 983

‘Dropping fertility is the real problem’, 896

Drought, effect of, 836, 886, 932, 935

Dutch response to Gag Rule, 956

‘Each child adds’, Murtaugh and Schlax, 730

Early marriage, 147

Earth overshoot day, 378

East Africa, 124, 125

Eco-modernism, 677

Economics, 80, 82, 515

Economic prosperity, 506

Economic ‘Progress’, 238

Economic limit, 528, 977

Economics, ignorance of science, 410, 515

Economist, The, 321

Economist’s view, 409, 410

‘Economists see no limit to growth – ever’, graph, 659

Economics: ‘Additional growth will require… increased energy, decteased per capita use and decreased population’, 911

Economy, 895

Economy, steady state, 525

Education, 756

Education of women, 78, and lower fertility, 129, of teens, 253, 289

Education/wealth effect on fertility, 915

Education: relationship with mean age at first birth, 917

Effectiveness of programmes, 798, 1017

Ehrlich, 149, 150, 635

Ehrlich defending his position, 156

Ehrlich on Rosling, 1120

Emancipation of women, see Empowering women.

Emergencies, 835

‘Either because we do, or because we don’t…’, 472

Emissions, FP reducing, 805

Emmott and Dorling, review, 479

Emmott, Guardian article, 774

Employment, 462

Empowering women, 106, 438, 444, 498, 538, 868, 898

Energy needs, 776

England most overcrowded in Europe, 174

Engelman, 146, 355, 463, 493, 570, 745

Engelman, on revised projection, 463, 493

Environment and family planning, supposed conflict, 241, 243

Environmental problems, correlate with population, 1018

Epistle from Y.M., 154

ERISC report on food shocks, 843, 844

Estrogens in the environment, 790

Ethical to have children? 978

Ethics of Population Growth, 369

Ethiopia, 197, 253, 368, 441, 686, 737

Ethiopia, progress, 505, 737

Ethopia, encouraging trends, 191

Ethiopian progress, 505, 633

European Population Alliance, 430

Evangelicals supporting family planning, 172, 405

Evasion of population discussion (OPT), see also ‘Difficulty’, 47, 79

Exhaustion of land, 1103

Expense of family planning, 243

Experiment, controlled and ‘natural’, 319

Extinction, 152, 449, 504, 553, 651, 962, 991, 1021, 1113

Extinction of humanity, 1049

‘Facts’ attached to Australian Anglican article, 69

‘Factfulness’, Rosling refuted, 1014, 1112

Failure of resources, 81 (back of page)

Failure of Governments to act, 329

Falling population, 513

Family-favouring policies, 763

Family of twelve, 257

Family planning, consequences for environment of reducing one’s family, 730

Family Planning, a key to prosperity, 318, human right, 428, hinderance to, 583

Family planning enormously consequential in developing countries, 598

Family planning represents 1% of international aid, 863

Family Planning to reduce emissions, 805

Family Planning and the Human-Wildlife connection, 648

Family Planning slowing climate change, 768

Family planning, 2020 movement, successes and failures, 884

Family violence, 327

Family size, UK, 2010, 616

Famine, 15, 16, 149, 150, 935, 967 (see also BBC Global Hunger)

‘Faminarchy Project’,82

‘Farming ourselves out of food’, 716

Fastest growing populations, 907

Fatalism, 290, 418

Fear of pregnancy, 19

Female genital mutilation, 329

Feminists, 734

Fertility decline is slower than death rate, 129

Fertility decline temporary cause of income gap, 321

Fertility, world, 914

‘Fewer emitters…’, OPT study, 32

Figures cited by Buerke, 324, 325

Fish stocks decline, 779

Food crises, potential, 776

Food imports, 607

Food prices, 539

Food security, 4, 24, 137, 444, 471

Food shocks, 705, 843

Food, water and fuel, world lacks enough, 440

Forced marriages, 329

Forced migration, 401

Forest cover and population, 77, 575

For every $ invested, $6 is saved, 864

Four degrees warming, 893

Four facts on contraception, 241

Free birth control slashes abortion rates, report, 772

Frivolous consumption, 909

FP 2020; Record use of contraception, more to be done, 749, 754

Full planet, empty plates’, 396

Gag Rule’, 590, 952, 956, 981, 1053

Garland/Raferty report in Science, 567

Gendarussa or Gandarussa, Indonesian herb with contraceptive possibilities, 536

Gambia, 873

Gandi,’Fruit of the Action’, 458

Gates summit, 354

Gates Foundation, interview with director, 564

Gates, Melinda, 252, 275, 754, 898

Geldof, 253

Gender based violence, 273,

Gender equality, 899

Gender myopia, 305

Georgia, Asia, 320

Ghana, 543, 758, 829, 1102

Ghana, improving FP uptake, 758

Girl Scouts, USA, 286

Girls, need for empowerment, 498, 867

Girls, not brides, 1063, 1065

Glacier loss, 932

Global warming’s curtain raiser? 875

GOJoven project, S America, 499

Governments in less developed countries have policies, 641

Governments seeking increased fertility, 761

Graph of growth related to population, 659

Greenest life choice, 730

‘Green Future’, PM’s response, 1011

Green Ogre’ (Malthus), ex ‘Greening Newcastle’, 259

Green Movement, indifference, 568

Green Party dispute, RCP response, 434

Greenpeace, 445

Green Revolution, 412, 774

Green revolution failure, 716

Green Revolution, effect on population explosion and climate change, 605

Greening the Titanic, 501

Grossman, Richard, 450, 958

Groundwater, 682

Growth, 586, 587, 1042

‘Growth at all costs’, 1115

Growth, 10 top countries, 495

Growth or Population? 453

Growth of population: rebuttal of proposition that ‘growth is declining’, 703

Growth, sustainable, 515

Growth is Madness’, 311, 354

Growth undermining development, 907

Guatemala bans child marriage, 748

Guttmacher Institute, 476

Guttmacher Institute, critique of Hans Rosling, 529

‘Half a child’, 122, 1015

Hari, Johann, Independent article, 34

Harrasment at abortion clinics, 985

Hate babies? No. 895

Heat wave in Middle East, 875

Health of small families, 82

Herbivores, extinction of, 651

High school for girls, 289

High fertility countries, 484

High fertility rates, demographic power of, 467

Honduras: draconian laws, 218

Hottest month, 714

How bad will it get? 893

How the pope became infallable’, Hasler, 1979, 373

How many Earths do we need? 710

How many species are we losing? 960

Human numbers v. animal nos., 79

Human Population Reduction is not a quick fix’, 597

Human rights, 849

Humanity’s Gamble, 972

Horn of Africa, 127

Human right, 428

Human right, FP should be, 646


ICPD; what it says and what it doesn’t, 75

Ideal population 2 billion, 87

‘I do not think population increase will happen’, 472

‘If the world’s population lived like…’, 712

Ignorance about contraception, 753

‘Ignored by politicians, 909

Illegal abortions, 854

Immigration, ‘economic fix’, 352

Implants, 685

Implant Access Programme, 564

Increments added, 1961 to 2013, 603, 604

Independent’ article 2014, 566, Roger Martin’s response, 569

India, 269, 270, 847, 901,1006

India, water scarcity, 1006

India, attachment to sterilization, 843, 901

Indonesia, 294

Inevitable reduction, 313

Inequality, 949

Inequality of sexes, 898

Infant mortality rate linked to fertility? Rosling: critique, 952

Infallibility, 371, 510

Infinite growth, 151

Interaction human population, food, biodiversity, 1027

International Criminal Law, 330

I=PAT, 446, 586

IPPF, 286

Iran, 200, 383, 442, 798, 1109, 1113

Iran, programme to increase population might not work, 1109

Iraq projection, 775

Ireland, cut in universal child benefit, 385

Irish Times, 45

Irish Catholics rejecting doctrine, 256

Islam, 195, 200, 295, 686

Islamis and Christians in Ethiopia, 686

IUDs and implants changing birth control perspectives, 389, 393

Japan, benefits from ageing population, 516, 669

Japan, alternatives to growth, 1115

Jevon’s Paradox, 911

Johann Hari, Independent article, 34

‘Just 10 countries’, 494

Kenya, 226, 232, 290, 751, 814, 903

Kenya, increase in contraception use, 751, 885

Kenya: demographic statistics project ‘very frightening prospects’, 816

‘Killer Plague’, 591

King, Martin Luther, ‘Family planning, a special and Urgent Concern’, 1088

Klein, Naomi, 635

Klein, Naomi, letter responding to book, 1009

Kolankiewicz, Leon, interview, 448

Kolbert, E., ‘The Sixth Extinction’, 938

Koran, 687

Kuhlemann, Karen, 782

Kung, Hans, 222, 375, 376

Lake Tanganyika, 420

Lancet, The, article, 367, 403

Land exhaustion, 1103

Land grab, 412

Large animals, extermination, 720

Last, Jonathan, 474

Latin America decline, 224

Lawson, Dominic, Sunday Times, rebuttal, 1071

Lawsuit: Tamesha Means v US Conference of Bishops, 519

Least developed countries, 469

Lessons from survey, 287

Libya, migration route from Niger, 825

Life expectancy, effect on population, 918

Links between climate change and population growth, 426

Living standards, 950

Low fertility countries, 484

Local issues, 287

Logic in 12 steps, 108

London Summit (2020), 565

Madagascar, 685, 935

Malawi, 886

Malawi, slowing rise, 548, 557

Malawi FPA, 563

Malawi, Muslim leader promotes contraception, 667

Male contraception, 390, 535, 883

Male fertility, 989

Male negative influence, 549, 922, 989

Mali, 610, 764

Malthus, 13, 110, 149, 165, ‘not wrong’, 173, 259, 585

Malthus was an optimist, 249

Mass extinction, 553

Marie Stopes, 522, 653, 672, 685, 838, 924, 956, 985

Marie Stopes, 2011 figures, 126, 2012 report, 512

Marine defaunation: annual loss in global oceans, McCauley, 660

Martin, Roger, 167, 173, 234, 369, 569

Martin, Roger, moral arguments, 188, 369

Mass of humanity and other mammals, 123

Maternal deaths, 403

Maths that predicts revolution, 539

Matlab, 797, 864

Max Planck Inst., end of growth (of pop), is improbable, 439

Mean age at first birth, 917

Medical ethics, 520

Medium projection discussion, 1, 4, 117, 139, 147

Meeting for Clearness, 95

Men’s attitudes, 546, 549, 697, 922

Men, new contraceptive choices needed, 390

Mexico City Policy, see Gag Rule

Men resisting family planning in Uganda, 697

Methodists, USA, resolution, 279

Middle East water shortages, 810

Middle East heat wave, consequences for population, 875

Migrants, 415

Migrants from Africa, future, 907

Migration, 849

Minute 36, Canterbury Commitment, 1053

Misanthropy, 73

Misinformation about contraception, 418, 522, 583, 926, 944, 1102

Misconceptions about contraception, 752, 926

Monbiot, 1103

Monbiot refuted, 221, 1081

Monbiot Fallacy, 240

Monbiot, almost admitting population has something to do with it, 1105

Moeller, Holly, 579

Motherhood in childhood, UN, 531

Motherlode Chapter, 475

‘Mothers of many children usually poor’, 828

Murtaugh, Paul, ‘each child adds…’, 730: see also 998

Muslim leader promotes contraception in Malawi, 667

Muslim Family Councilling Service, Ghana, 829

Myths: see Misinformation

Mythbusting, 500

Myanmar, ‘… desperate need for FP service’, women spreading contraception, 854

Myth of 9 billion, 117, 122, 354

‘Myths that will not die,’ Nature denialist article and repudiation, 781

Namibia, 828

Natural disasters, unpreparedness for, 835

Nature magazine, 952

Need for discussion, 579, 588

Negative growth in 34 countries, 914

Nepal, Marie Stopes offers wedding advice, 838

New Evangelical Partnership, 405

New Scientist, letter (not published), 937

Nicholson-Lord, D., 79

Nierenberg, Danielle, from supplement to Malthus, 305

Niger, 181, 266, 270, 271, 561, 610, 768, 822, 825, 852, 952

Niger, source of emigrants, 825

Nigeria, 197, 291, 467, 558, 610, 631, 752, 892, 920, 952, 1025, 1051, 1060

Nigeria, famine, 892

Nigeria, pop. To exceed US by 2050, 460, 467, 775

Nigerian economy ‘incapable of dealing with population growth’, 723

Nigeria, uncontrolled population growth, 808

Nine population strategies,355

‘Ninety five percent of poorest countries…’, 48, 79

‘No news is bad news’, 579

Non-growing population, benefits of, 85

‘Not as bad as you think’, 913, response 969

Number of Earths, 89

Number in poverty, 110

‘Numbers v. Consumption’, refutation, 173, 265. See also Consumption v Population

Obamacare, 959

Obsticles to use of family planning, 863

Ocean ‘better and worse’, 660 See also ‘seabirds’

One child policy criticised, 476

‘Only child a happy child’, 102

‘Only child not disadvantaged’, 980

‘One and a half Earths’ consumption, 710

Opinion Survey, lessons from, 287 (see also USA Poll of Public Opinion, 435)

Oppression of women, 280, 286

OPT, 32

OPT Population Policy Statement, 105

Optimum world population, 311

Opus Dei, 219

Osotimehin, Dr. Babatunde, 428, 531, on Japan, 669

Overseas development assistance ‘only 1% for family planning’, 872, 897

Outspoken ‘letter to the editor’, 394

Overshoot of planet’s capacity, 80, 249, 378, 413, 550, 976

Overseas Development Assistance, small proportion to family planning, 801

Overuse of resources, 550

Padley, Chris, 110, 111, 257, excellent letter, 641

Pakistan,189, 269, 290, 543, 546, 739, 777

Pakistan and water, 491

Papal Commission on Population and Birth Control, see Catholic Commission on Population and Birth Control

Papua new guinea, 924, 1003

Papua N.G., 924, ‘population up 50% from 2000’, 653 ‘Desperate for contraception’, 653

Peak oil, 139

Peace, 273

Peak population, 139, 555

Pearce, Fred, 27, 271, 473, 591, 620

Pearce, Fred, on Japan’s ageing population, 516

Pearce refuted, 220, 221, 269

Peer pressure, glass and yardstick, 415

Per-capita consumption, 445

Perceptions of Human Overpopulation, 1045

Perpetual Growth myth, 228

Perfect Storm, Beddington, 24

Perfect Storm, Vidal, 228

Perpetration of population crisis, 137

Peru; forced sterilisation, 786

PHE, see Population, Health and Environment, 890

Philippines, 2, 118, 120, 185, 230, 245, 638, 770, 845, 934

Philippine, ‘Denying women access is cruel, unjust’, 934

Philippines, climate change, 770

Philippines, hope for change, 230, 357, 464

Philippines, population growth 1970-2010, 771, 934

Philippines, new act, 407, 845

Philippines, conflict Church/State, 845

Plankton, 779

Plastic pollution, 1096

Politicians, responses of, 325

Pollution, 7

Pontifical Commission on Birth Control, see also Catholic Commission on Birth Control, 379

Ponzi scheme, 412

Poorest countries, 141

Poorest groups in societies, 321

Pope Francis, 572, 628, 638, 734, 1111

Pope Francis failure to address population, 735, 1111

Pope, 49, 74, 222

Population crisis: a Call to Arms’, 988

Population size, sustainable long term, 311

Population and sustainability, 949

Population ‘only an issue in developing countries’, 80

Population education, ‘Population Connection’, 756

‘Population Control’, ‘The moment you mention population, people think…’, 891

‘Population Control’ abuse, 276, 477

Population growth must be discussed, 735

Population Media Center, 14, 162, 418, 420, 503, 550

Population, Environment and Conflict, paper by R Martin, 167

Population growth soluble, 78

Population growth is not neutral factor in climate change, water scarcity, soil degradation etc., 782

Population growth ‘potentially as disastrous as climate change’, 566

Population growth is not a predetermined fact, 1011A

Population Health and Environment (PHE), 890

Population influence on environment, 745, 796

Population policy statement, 105

‘Population redax’, Ehrlich, 635

Popularity of our proposals, 288

‘Pop the champagne’, 147

Porritt, ‘Twelve easy steps’, 108, 113

Possibility of continuing growth, 140

‘Poster Child’ Philippines, 294

Potts, Malcolm, 628

Poverty, 12, 16, 40, 150, 168, 950

Presentation skills, 1069, 1082

Press reticence, 579

Pregnancy, women in fear of, 199

Prime Ministers of Ethiopia and Rwanda, 368

Progress in family planning, R. Grossman, 958

Projections,6-15 billion, Kolankiewicz, 448

Projection, new, 463

Projections, 1, 4, 29, 122, 129, 139, 267 (see also medium projection discussion), graph, 1101

Projections explained: (constant, instant replacement, median, low, high) 906

Projection for 2050, 446

Projection predictions challenged, 439, 567

Projection predictions linked to energy production, 439

‘Pro-life’, 1057,

Pro-natalist policies, 763

Puerto Rico, Grossman, 457

QCOP Mission Statement, 1067

Quaker Earthcare Witness, 1091, 1093

Quipu project, 787

Quran, 687

Quarter of World’s land will be modified, 1041

Railway Children charity, 433

Randles, Jeremy, reply to Prof. Steve Nickell, 607

Rapley, Chris, article, 84

Rebuttal of Population Deniers, 324, 1071

Rebuttal of proposition that ‘growth is slowing down’, 703

RCP letters, 38, 83, 113, 208, 937, 953

RCP Concern, 704

Receptiveness of leaders, 267

Record number of women using contraception, 749

Reduction of fertility, result of contraception, 457

Reasons for population restraint (OPT), 4

Reider, Dr. Thomas, ‘Population Engineering and the fight against climate change’, 878, 893

Reider and Kukla, ‘Is it ethical to have children?’ 978 See also 995

Religion, 76

Religious prejudice, 136, 171, 674

Religious leaders unite to promote family planning, 631

Reluctance of climate change experts, 243

Replacement level fertility, effect of, 181

Repression of nuns in US, 262

Resistance to policies to increase fertility, 761 (see also Iran)

Resource limits (UN), 909

Resources are finite, 132, 154, 823

Resources and link to population, 891

Response to critics of family planning programmes, 201

Responsibility, individual and Government, 66

Resistance to family planning ideas: reasons, 488

Revolution, 539

Right of couples universally recognised, 205

Rio, 293, 297, 301, 309

Rio defeat 303

Rio, inadequacy of, 314

Rio slum, 316

RISUG male contraception, see Reversible Inhibition of Sperm, 246, 391

Rohiyinga Muslims, persecution of,, 674

Rosling, Hans, ‘ecologically illiterate’, 507

Rosling, Hans, critique, 529, 532, 727, 952, 1014, 1112, 1120

Royal Society, collapse of civilization, 423

Royal Society paper, Impact of Growth (2009), 114

Royal Society paper, People and Planet, (2012), 265, 267

Rwanda, 227, 367, 397, 398, 452, 798, 965

Rwanda, contraception not keeping pace, 452

Rwana, women’s rights, 965

Ryerson, Bill, reservations about UNFPA’s estimate of 215 women, 219

Ryerson, Bill, interviews, 411, 550

Sahel, 267, 729, 812, 832, 833

Sahel disaster predicted, 180, 729, 812, 940

Sahel receiving knowledge from Bangladesh, 840

Sanya Press, injection tool, 560, 821, 1076

Save the Children policy statement, 39, 310

‘Scared witless’, 150, see also 423

‘Science’, Garland/Raferty report, 567

‘Scientists’ Warning to Humanity’, 990

Scientists agree, 4 out of 5, 665

Sea level rise, cities threatened, 996

Sea birds:90% have plastic in their stomachs, 1096

‘Selfish’, not to have children: Pope Francis, 1111

Senegal, 531, 564

‘Should we be having kids?’ Reider, 878, 893, 978

Sex and Relationship Education, 234, 619

Sex and world peace, 273

Shragg, Karen, UK book tour. xxxx

Silence on population, 464

Sino-implant, 1005

Sister Supporter Group, 985

Sixth Extinction, Kolbert, 938

Smail, Kenneth, 311

Solution, 850

‘Speciesism’, 81

Science, under threat from Vatican, 374

Senegal, 822

Speed of response, 180

SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights), S. America, 499

Stabilisation inevitability of, 169

Stability of states and treatment of women, 273

Starvation, 1103

Statistics, 16, 27, 35, 40, 41, 61, 81, 92, 93, 640

Steady State economics, 525

Sterilization camps, India, 901

Stigma deters young people752

‘Stop at two’, 455

Sub-Saharan Africa, 482, 486, 579, 724

‘Suicide, professional, political or moral’, 313

Sustainability, RCP, 650

Sustainability: Population, Inequalty, Consumption, and Biodirectioal Uncoupling, Earth & Human Systems, 949

Sunderbans, Bangladesh, 624

‘Sustainable Management of Biosphere a Population Issue’, 557

Sustainable population, 80, 454, 474, 993

Tanzania workshop, 926

Taboo, 169, 243, 584, 788, 806

Tanzania population quintupled since independence, 552

Tanzania, new impetus, 1099

Teaching about sex and relationship, 619

Telenova effect, 225: see also PMC,162

Teenage Girls, free contraception, 577

Teenage girls, UNFPA article for World Population Day, 865

Teen birth rate, 917

Teen pregnancies, 255,741

Teen pregnancies reduced by birth control,772

Teen pregnancies, Guatemala, 748

Temperature rise, 893

Terrorism, 171, 764, 852

Threat to family planning, USA, 136

Three dollars a day, 950

‘This changes everything’, Klein, 635

Togo, 564

Toll on planet, 409

‘Transfomative impact in a generation or less’, 598

Tree conservation and mobile health clinics, Kenya, 903

Trump, 952, 956

Trump, efect of his version of the Gag Rule, 981, 1057

Turning tables on anti-choice bullies, 323

Two billion, 394, 459, 591, 983

Two card and three card tricks, 165

Two hundred and twenty million women, 863

Two to three billion, optimum world population, 311

Uganda, 544, 545, 561, 648,697,814, 822, 830, , 1076

Tanzania, effect of gag rule on, 1076

UK contribution, 155

UK population, 2014, 684

UK Population survey, most think ‘too high’, 818

UK capacity, 607

UK Population increase, 296, 351, 509, 530

‘Underwater mountaintop removal’, 660

Unemployment, 172, 907

UN’s assumptions controversial, 463, 470

UN revised projections, 458, 459, 463, 466, 475, 482, 724

UN projections highest ever, 724

UN Press release , pop. 9.6 in 2050, 482

UN statement, ‘All couples..have basic right to decide freely…’, 958

UN, unfulfilled promises, 138

UN, Vatican interference, 692

UNFPA, 34 Million Friends, 96


UNFPA, ‘Demographic research has shown for decades..’, 113

UNFPA, ‘Motherhood in Childhood’, 531

UNFPA, World population in six …charts: world Population Day, need to invest in teenage girls, 865

‘Uninhabitable’ Sahel, 990

Unintended pregnancies, 136, 271, 392, 444, 476, 614, 627, 665, 749, 872, 1025

Unintended preegnancies, statistics of outcomes, 897

Unintended pregnancies, numbers avoided, 749

Unintended pregnancies, free birth control slashes abortion rates, 772

Unwanted pregnancies, consequences for children, 263, costs, 392

Union for African Population Studies, 266

Union of Concerned Scientists article, 92

Universal access, 146

Unsafe abortions, methods of, 803, 1017

USA, poll of public opinion on pop., 435, 446, 741 (see also opinion survey 287)

US Census Bureau projection, 197

US is the exception amongst developed countries, 87

US poll, support for birth control access, 741

US, ‘diverse religious leaders’ affirm contraception, 382

Vaginal ring, inexpensive, 171

Value for money, 199

Vasectome, 883

Vatican, 305, 510, 629

Vatican ‘Statehood’. 691, 692

Vatican versus science, 374

Vatican at Rio, 307, 308, 309

Vegetation: growth appropriated by humans, 950

Vegetarians, population increase will force us to be, 370, 377

Vidal, John, ‘Perfect Storm’, 238

Violence, 765

Violence from climate change, 610

Visualisation, 160

‘Voice of Choice’, 323

Want to lower the abortion rate? Support pro-choice policies, 1011E

Want to fight climate change? Have fewer children. 998

Warning to Humanity, 251, 990

Wars, 967: War as a result of resource scarcity, 782

Wars: ‘Climate wars already here’, 610

Waste management, 976

Water, 193, 198, 270, 386, 414, 446, 471, 490, 501, 550, 671, 682, 869, 932, 947, 1003

Water scarcity, population growth trumps climate change, 869, 1003

Water, shortfall by 2030, 671, 810, 1003

Water in Africa, 610

Water tables falling, 810

Water in India, 1003

Wealth/education effect on fertility, 915

Wealthy as well as poor, 627

Well-worn arguments, 173

West Africa, family planning yet to take hold, 582

West Africa, climate wars, 610

West Africa, statistics, 825

West Antarctic, rapid warming, 1044

Westcott, Gill, ‘Population matters, and so…?’ article, 617

‘Westerners don’t appreciate how amazing contraception is’, Fynn-Nyame, 672

‘What can we do?’, 417

Wildlife loss, 574

Wildlife loss, 574

Wildlife, connection with family planning, 648,697,814

Without humans…Serengeti, 720

Women at centre of agenda for development, Sahel, 840

Women’s choice, 403, 472, 505

Women deprived of contraceptives, 408, 472

Women’s health in absence of family planning, 638

Women’s needs, 142-145, 275, 301,

Women, empowerment and rights, 106, 252, 278, 315, 355, 438, 464, 538, 579    See also Empowerment of women

Women’s rights, 327, 445, 472, 538, 743, 849, 965

Women to be central, 898

Women’s rights and the Vatican, 692

Women, oppression of, 289, 305, 327, 581, 732

Women, treatment of and stability of states, 273

Women bear the brunt of climate change, 731

Women: why not using contraception? 944

Women’s groups and environmentalists, 241

Women, less climate pollution, 250

Women want to control family size, 142, 145, 730

World Bank document on Rwanda, 398

World Contraceptin Day, 1025

World Food Prize, 589

World Population History, website, 756

World scientists’ Warning to Humanity, 990

World Vasectome Day, 883

Worldwatch, 355

Yougov poll on family size, 115

YM Epistle, 154

Young people, 564

Young people, more alive than at any other time in history, 866

Zambia, increase in contraception use, 751

Zimbabwe, 922, 1086

Zulu, Eliya, 266, 267